Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Tamás Lunk Author-Workplace-Name: Vital Pro Kft. Author-Name: Balázs Wächter Author-Workplace-Name: Vital Pro Kft. Title: Tervezési tapasztalatok az LHH térségekben Abstract: Authors - as team members participating in the program „Nobody is given up”-for assisting planning in the North-Hungarian region - summarize their own experiences in order to increase success and effectiveness of similar programs in the future. Objective indicates that authors agree with conception of planning based on source-distribution in SR. This method of sourcedistribution is studied with a view to practicability of most important projects for SR, to managing differences within SR, to complexity of planning, to effectiveness of co-operation of partners as well as to the success of cost-efficiency. Emphasis is laid on one of the significant drawbacks of the method currently applied for managing the symptoms of backwardness whereas it results in incalculable measures of ad hoc type. Self-governments compete for projects and therefore in most of the cases the sources are frittered away. Proposal is offered to correct shortcomings of this system and thus to create the conditions of source-distribution based on integrated planning in SR. Classification-JEL: R58 Keywords: hátrányos helyzetű térségek, intergált fejlesztés Pages: 21-36 Number: 2 Volume: 7 Year: 2010 Publication-Status: Published File-URL: http://www.strategiaifuzetek.hu/files/16/2010_VII%20evf_2%20szam.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:mic:esfjrn:v:7:y:2010:i:2:p:21-36