Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Dora Szendi Author-Workplace-Name: University of Miskolc Title: Influential factors of the Hungarian territorial income Abstract: The distribution of the Hungarian territorial income is not equal across the local administration units (LAU1). There are huge disparities between the different parts of the country. The most developed territories can be found in the central and north-western part of Hungary, until the least developed ones are there in north-eastern Hungary and in the southern Transdanubian region. Nemes Nagy (1998) in his works emphasizes that the territorial inequalities have several aspects and because of this need complex, more-dimensional analysis. From the beginning of the 2000ïs several researchers analysed the inequalities from various aspects (for example the four component model of Szak ln‚ (2011) for territorial competitiveness). The aim of this recent research is to examine those significant factors which have a great influence onto the dispersion of the Hungarian territorial income and create optimal regression function. Because of the wide range of the indicators the use of factor analysis was strongly recommended. According to my former results (Szendi, 2015.) there is a significant medium-strong positive spatial autocorrelation in the case of the Hungarian territorial income at level LAU1. This correlation indicates the existence of spatial regression models. Creation-Date: 20151015 Publication-Status: Published in Challenges in economic and technological development - Conference Proceedings, 15-16 October 2015, ISBN 978-963-358-100-1, University of Miskolc File-URL: http://tmp.gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/pdf/mic/etpdsw/17.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:mic:etpdsw:18