Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Orsolya Tóth Author-Workplace-Name: University of Miskolc Title: SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND CONSUMER ATTITUDE IN HUNGARY IN THE LIGHT OF AN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH Abstract: Environmental innovations are investigated from several point of view by the literature. However, it is common that the magisterial, state regulatorsï effect, or occasionally their restrictive function come to the front. In this study, I rather emphasize the attitude of consumers that is important for companies, which try to meet the latest requirements and follow actual trends. In the focus of the research, beyond a general environmental attitude enquiry, are such rediscovered trends as zero waste aspirations, eco-friendly packaging and plastic free packaging materials and solutions. I measure the latter environmentally friendly manifestationsï notoriety, and also residential evaluations and their willingness to take action. I take other needs and restrictive factors also into consideration. I examine the results in the light of previous similar researches, trying to resolve contradictions. I present an excellent indicator too, that is able to measure the environmental impact of individual consumer behavior patterns. This is the so called Consumer Greendex, an index, which is generated by a complex algorithm of 18 countries and within 18 thousand costumersï lifestyle, consumer behavior and special buyerïs decisions. It can provide a comprehensive picture of the sustainable consumer situation in the examined countries which includes Hungary as well. Creation-Date: 20151015 Publication-Status: Published in Challenges in economic and technological development - Conference Proceedings, 15-16 October 2015, ISBN 978-963-358-100-1, University of Miskolc File-URL: http://tmp.gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/pdf/mic/etpdsw/19.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:mic:etpdsw:20