Template-type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Tamás Mészáros Author-Email: tamas.meszaros@bkae.hu Author-Workplace-Name: Corvinus University Author-Name: Zoltán Pitti Author-Email: zoltan.pitti@uni-corvinus.hu Author-Workplace-Name: Corvinus University Title: Hungarian medium-sized and large enterprises in private ownership from the EU perspective Abstract: Authors give an overview of the history of the Hungarian economy and present current situation. The article focuses on economic circumstances established after the political change of the regime. This analysis gives an insight into the threats and opportunities of Hungarian medium-sized and large enterprises with special regard to our EU accession. A brief comparison of economic situation and conditions in other accessing countries is also to be found in this paper. Classification-JEL: Keywords: economic circumstances, threats and opportunities for Hungarian large enterprises in private ownership, change of the regime, competitiveness on international markets Pages: 31-37 Number: 01 Volume: 2 Year: 2004 File-URL: http://tmp.gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/volumes/2004/01/TMP_2004_01_05.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:mic:tmpjrn:v:2:y:2004:i:01:p:31-37