Template-type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Judit Roncz Author-Email: regroncz@uni-miskolc.hu Author-Workplace-Name: University of Miskolc Author-Name: Klára Szita Tóthné Author-Email: regszita@uni-miskolc.hu Author-Workplace-Name: University of Miskolc Title: The Methodological Development of Regional Sustainability Analysis Abstract: Keeping in mind the needs to preserve the environment and quality of life, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology has been developed to meet these needs. At present the main two direction of LCA research are to fulfil the requirement of the broader sustainable development concept and to somehow do away with previously dominating product-specific, plant-level modelling techniques. The Regional LCA Competence Laboratory - based in the Institute of World and Regional Economics - has recently been working on the elaboration of a demonstrative project which can serve the ambitious goal of finding a way to successfully combine the advantages of the above-mentioned approaches. In this paper we summarise the various sustainability models and introduce our regional sustainable development model proposal. Classification-JEL: Q01 Keywords: LCA, sustainable development Pages: 85-92 Number: 01 Volume: 7 Year: 2011 File-URL: http://tmp.gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/volumes/2011/01/TMP_2011_01_10.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:mic:tmpjrn:v:7:y:2011:i:01:p:85-92