Template-type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Cyntia Valociková Author-Email: valocikova.cyntia@phd.uni-obuda.hu Author-Workplace-Name: Óbuda University Author-Name: Jolán Velencei Author-Email: velencei.jolan@kgk.uni-obuda.hu Author-Workplace-Name: Óbuda University Title: How Did Reciprocity Evolve in Online Communication? Turnout of Reciprocal Altruism Abstract: Why do we help strangers on the Internet? Sharing our experience, knowledge, or information does not involve a large investment of energy, yet users often expect to be rewarded for sharing their personal resources. Economics and other disciplines call this type of exchange reciprocal altruism. The present research introduces different types of altruism and then deals with reciprocal altruism. It describes how this form of selflessness can appear in social media. The aim of the research is to create an overview of Hungarian and international research, which is the first step of a long-term, comprehensive research project. Classification-JEL: D64, O35 Keywords: Altruism; Reciprocity; Knowledge Sharing; Social Community Pages: 103-113 Number: 02 Volume: 16 Year: 2020 File-URL: http://tmp.gtk.uni-miskolc.hu/volumes/2020/02/TMP_2020_02_11.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:mic:tmpjrn:v:16:y:2020:i:02:p:103-113